About Polt Design Group

Several people on the PDG team are active members of CASHE, the Maryland, Delaware & Pennsylvania chapter of ASHE (American Society of Healthcare Engineers). We are excited to announce that one of our staff, Whitney Polt Hardesty, was again elected by the organization members to serve on the Associate Board. Members from PDG also served on the Seminar Committee to help select educational speakers for the conference based on feedback and comments from the Healthcare attendees.
This past September they attended the yearly conference, which was held in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The seminar attracted healthcare members from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, Delaware and Washington DC. This organization is a great learning tool for our firm, as each monthly meeting begins with an informative seminar, with many more during the conference.
This is one of the many ways that we strive to maintain current within the ever changing healthcare industry. We had a great time with the many friends we’ve made over the years (some longer than others!) and look forward to watching CASHE continue to grow and help make a positive impact on the healthcare industry.
We are looking forward to the 2017 conference, to be held in Ocean City, Maryland!
AIA Conference on Architecture 2017: Orlando
Members of our staff are looking forward to attending the AIA Conference on Architecture, to be held at the end of April in Orlando this year. It is yet another way that we strive to keep on top of the ever-changing industry of design. Check here for updates as more keynote speakers and sessions are added each week!